Saved Searches

Users can save a search so that they may run it again or share it with other users.

Unlike Lists which contain a static set of objects, saved searches are dynamic. The results of a saved search will change as new objects are added to the system. For example:

  1. You perform a search and create a saved search
  2. New data is loaded into your Koverse Connections environment after you created a saved search
  3. You access the previously created saved search
  4. Any new data that was loaded will now appear in your saved search if it matches your criteria.

To create a saved search, first navigate to the Search page and apply one or more filters.

Click on the “SAVE SEARCH” button.

Once you have created a saved search, you can access the saved search on the “Saved Searches” page.

To sort the saved searches, simply click on the column header you want to sort by.

From the drop-down menu on each row you can rename, change the privacy settings, or delete a saved search.

By clicking on a saved search, you will be taken to the search page where you can continue to modify the search criteria and filters. This will not modify the saved search.

Once the filters are changed, clicking “SAVE SEARCH” and naming the search will create a new saved search.